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Engaging with the community for Aotearoa's first Energy-from-Waste facility

Engaging with the community for Aotearoa's first Energy-from-Waste facility

Convergence is often approached by companies seeking our help to engage on alternative solutions to complex but significant challenges facing communities and government.

Lisa-Marie Richan (L-M)

Lisa-Marie Richan (L-M)

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Digital engagement for global pet food brand Kiwi Kitchens

Digital engagement for global pet food brand Kiwi Kitchens

Users of social media will agree on one thing – pet content is the best content! Convergence worked with Christchurch-owned company, Pet Nutrition, helping to grow its pet food brand Kiwi Kitchens as a B2B product supplier around the globe.

Emma Maciaszek

Emma Maciaszek

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Award winning advocacy in unprecedented times for NZALPA

Award winning advocacy in unprecedented times for NZALPA

What’s it like to see the thriving international industry you know and love, reduced to just a quarter of its original size within a week?

Lisa-Marie Richan (L-M)

Lisa-Marie Richan (L-M)

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Pure gold – another PRINZ award win

Pure gold – another PRINZ award win

For the second year in a row, Convergence has won the gold award for best Government Relations and Public Affairs project in the New Zealand Public Relations Institute’s annual awards.

Leigh Harris

Leigh Harris

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Developing a high performing construction sector

Developing a high performing construction sector

Convergence has always had construction sector clients, and so we leapt at the opportunity to support a project targeting major changes across the country’s entire construction sector.

Erin Jamieson

Erin Jamieson

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Proactive crisis communication enhances company reputation

Proactive crisis communication enhances company reputation

What do you do when you have a 50-metre-high earth dam holding back millions of litres of water, and your engineers have just confirmed an official ‘dam safety deficiency’, due topotential erosion within the dam structure?

Steve Attwood

Steve Attwood

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Clean up your digital footprint

Clean up your digital footprint

From politicians to leaders of industry, New Zealanders need to think seriously about ‘spring cleaning’ their digital profiles to make sure they don’t become victims of ‘cancel culture’.

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A supreme achievement at 2021 PRINZ Awards

A supreme achievement at 2021 PRINZ Awards

Convergence work was recognised by our peers with the announcement we are co-winners of the New Zealand Public Relations Institute’s 2021 overall Supreme award, for the most outstanding communications campaign of the year.

Jessica Cartwright

Jessica Cartwright

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Navigating radical change in NZ’s media landscape

Navigating radical change in NZ’s media landscape

The Covid wrecking ball has left its mark on New Zealand news media. National advertising revenue halved almost overnight as we went into nationwide lockdown, leaving most media outlets hastily reviewing their business plans.

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